
The “Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College” program, established in 1922, concentrates on the importance of completing secondary and collegiate education as a road to advancement. Statistics prove the value of this extra impetus in making the difference in the success of young African-American men, given that school completion is the single best predictor of future economic success. Through the Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College educational initiative, young men receive information and learn strategies that facilitate success. Alpha men provide youth participants with excellent role models to emulate.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has been awarded grant funding by the US Department of Justice to provide mentoring to students ages 6 – 17 years old high school, in twenty-five (25) targeted cities across the country.


Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College


Bay Area High Schools and Universities

What We Did

Education Continuation Program for Minority Men and Women

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